At Minera Centinela, after milling, the ore is sent to a classification stage consisting of a hydrocyclone battery. This stage consists of 4 batteries with 10 hydrocyclones each, 7 of which operate. These hydrocyclones are operated remotely by the control room operator. Due to the conditions of the hydrocyclone feed coming from the mill, the hydrocyclones become clogged. Additionally, there are obstructions and fissures in the lower part of the equipment (cone and apex) caused by foreign bodies and milling balls, which generates a high replacement rate and frequency of hydrocyclone maintenance.
When unanticipated hydrocyclone roping and/or blockages occur.
As a first consequence, abnormal classification patterns are generated, generating deviations in the granulometry of the downstream processes, impacting the recovery. Additionally, there is an increase in the frequency of maintenance due to obstructions requiring the removal and reinstallation each time of existing instrumentation in the equipment.
They currently have a detection system that identifies roping once it has occurred, which limits the ability to intervene and increases the risk of damage to equipment and loss of production.
Noise detection technologies and level sensors.