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Minera Los Pelambres´s Regenerative Belt Conveyor System
Emblematic Projects

In Los Pelambres, innovation has allowed to integrate the use of renewable, non-conventional energies, such as the wind and solar ones. At present, nearly 60% of the energy required by this operation, located in the fourth region of Chile, comes from this type of sources that does not result in emissions into to environment.

The conveyor belt system of Minera Los Pelambres has the technical capacity of generating electrical power by taking advantage of an average 11% slope in a length of 12 kilometers approximately, along which ore is transported, from the primary crusher to the concentrate plant.

This innovation was designed by the Academia Chilena de Ciencias, and is the greatest scientific innovation within the energy sector in the last 40 years, currently allowing to save nearly 10% of the energy consumption of Minera Los Pelambres.

La transferencia de la innovación en Antofagasta Minerals
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